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Monday, February 14, 2011

we think were crazy check out the past

what ever happen to the days you could buy codeine without a prescription or when coke a cola had cocaine in the beverage these things sound ridiculous now but yet this generation is so called to be the worst generation of all time for things like this, i mean just because you guys (older generations) had it legal doesnt mean your saints. so i look forward to what the future holds so i can tell the future hoodlums how they messed everything up.

this ad made me think about this whole rant i just did


  1. It's interesting to see such a commercial from the times, when smoking wasn't looked at as it is now.

  2. In England you can still buy codeine without a prescription :)

  3. lol my generation is fucked as far as i am concerned.

  4. Hah, health and safety has gone mad these days, shows how times have changed.

  5. the old days used to have alot of legal drugs :)

  6. remind me of a paper i just had to write on "thank you for smoking"

  7. I like how the entire world nowadays is against tobacco companies so they get no advertising, programs in schools to prevent kids from smoking, and even those stupid smoking kills commercials and yet they still make huge profits.

  8. brb smoking a cigarette now

    following you! :D

  9. oh yea i remember these ads winston ciggs anything to get a doller

  10. I dont understand your rant man. Are you saying it was better when cocaine was in coke? I like the commercial tho.

